perfect in purple

Small and Sweet.

My Little Girl so small and sweet,
Those tiny hands and tiny feet.
Everyday I watch you grow,
You teach me everything I know.
Such a joy to be around,
Every smile and every sound.
Number one you will stay,
Each and every single day.
You changed my life in such good ways,
‘Thank You’ is all that I can say.
I love to watch you sleep at night,
Cuddled warm and wrapped up tight.
As I blink the time it flies,
It breaks my heart to see you cry.
I gave you life, so proud to say,
I’ll love you more with every day.
My little Girl so small and sweet,
For you my heart, It beats and beats.


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Sibling love

A bundle of joy to simply adore,
Who in the world could ask for more!
A precious treasure to call your own
Bringing love and joy into your home.
May your lovely son sweet and new
Bring a lifetime of pleasure to all of you


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Nairne Photographer

Simple and all focused on baby are my favourite type of photos.

I love that Dion and Nicole will have these memories to look at next year and every year after. When Mason reaches a new stage of growing up they will be able to look back and remember the small details that we all forget. That flaky skin and those tiny fingers.

I love that in 20 years time, or even 30 little Mason will have these timeless images of himself as a newborn and will be able to show his own kids.

I love my job 🙂


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