Firstly, I just want to say Merry Christmas to everyone!
This year has been my busiest by far. I have been lucky to have so many awesome people come through the studio and I am forever thankful. Booking a session allows me to be able to work from home and provide for my family doing something I love- what could be better.
I am so excited to see what next year brings.
This year I have decided to give away of TWO gift vouchers (valued at $150!) – these voucher cover a weekday milestone session or they can be used towards a newborn or family session- winners choice!
So- What’s a milestone session?!
It’s an amazing way to capture some images throughout childhood! Life is busy (especially at this time of year) and we often forget to stop and just take a moment to take it all in. Having some professional photos of your life right now- weather it’s their toothless smile, them learning to sit, starting to walk, skinned knees or even the school years (and not the awkward school photo 😉 ) right now is worth capturing and remembering for years to come.
These Sessions will be held in my Nairne studio during the week and will include 5 digital images available to download via a private online gallery. The vouchers must be used by the end of April 2020.
All you have to do to enter is a couple of quick steps!
- Leave a comment below on something you love about yourself!
- Head back over to Facebook -tag a friend and then share my gift voucher post (make sure its on public so I can see)
Ill pick the winner at random on Friday the 20th – good luck x

I love how strong and capable I am.
I love how since becoming a mother earlier this year, how confident in myself I have become and how completely in awe of my body I am at how it brought life into the world so perfectly.
I love that no matter what life has thrown at me I still power through it to make sure my family is put first and all there needs let.
I love your passion, your welcoming nature, and your time management fitting everyone in at this time of year!!
I love how strong an determined I am… get goals, aim high and achieve no matter how long it may take.
I love that my body, illnesses and all, was still capable of producing two perfect, beautiful children that I adore with all my heart and soul.
I love that I’m persevering with breast feeding even with everything telling me I can’t e.g. retained placenta after a c section! The hardest thing I have ever done in my life but I love it.
I love how I can always make time for friends and family
Currently pregnant so one thing i LOVE about myself is my big baby belly!
I love that I’ve been able to be the parent I wish I’d had!
Have had many photography sessions with Renee since having our daughter 2018 and I have to say we have found our family a photographer for life Renee has a passion and love for her art and by far the best photographer we’ve ever felt with looking for to the next one ( next year )
I love how I’m proving my depression wrong and I’m taking on this new mum role by its horns. 🙏👌
I love how I’m proving my depression wrong and taking on this new mum role by the horns for my little girl
I love that everyday I feel like I am growing and becoming a better mama for my little boy!
As a busy mum of 3 boys, I love the fact that my body has grew & nourished 3 beautiful children despite its challenges.
I love my c-section scar. Both my boy’s were emergency cesareans so my scar reminds me how lucky I am to have both of them here with me.
I am an incredibly strong women and a great mother because I will never stop trying to do my best.
I love my resilience as a mother and a woman!
I love how I am growing. I know that sounds weird, but being a mother changes you. Whether that be a good or bad thing! We grow as a person and it’s important to embrace that. It’s taken a while but im finally getting there ❤
I love how I get through each day.
I love the newfound strength I’ve discovered I have when it comes to fighting for my son.
I love that I am unique and flawlessly made because of a baby born in a manger on Christmas Day.
The fact that I carried my two gorgeous boys…albeit they were both prem but still so proud of myself for how they are growing and becoming beautiful little people
I love that my body has grown six beautiful babies
I love my persistence, how I don’t let things get me down and keep on keeping on 🙂
I love the fact I’m a new born mum to a premmie even though it was a traumatic birth I still go see him in neonatal every day and love with all my heart
I love That I have the will power to put up with jason and Roy 🤣🤣🤣🤣 haaaahahaha
I love that I am 44 & finally love myself purely ❤️
I love my ability to persevere and remain positive regardless of all the hard times this year has thrown our way
I love I have raised 3 beautiful girls
I love that I’ve accepted my body for what is it.
After all I grew a beautiful baby boy in there.
I love me – it took a while to get there, but if I couldn’t love myself, what sort of an example would I be setting for my daughter? For my family, I will be all that I can.
I love that I am always able to put my family first no matter my own situation.
I love how strong of a person I really am