~Renee Diaz Photography ~
Every year in December or January I try and take a photo a day of my kids! Some days I get extra, towards the end of the month some days I get none! I haven’t been near a computer while we have been away so I am only now able to get the first couple of days up ! Each year I debate weather or not to put them on my personal page, or work page.. This year I have decided to put them all here on this blog page ! Ill just keep updating it through-out the month! These photos are nothing fancy- just a moment in time each day of my kids being themselves 🙂 I know when they are older these images will be just as (if not more) important as the posed images I have of them every where !
Thanks for looking, and enjoy a preview of my life x
January 1st
We dragged our sore heads out of bed and travelled to Whyalla to celebrate with the Birthday boy!

January 2nd
The beach was to windy for our planned BBQ, so we had a pool party instead

January 3rd
Beach this morning followed by a treat from Grandma

January 4th
A quite morning as we are all getting tired from a couple of big days and late nights, followed by bowling which was our gift to the Birthday boy!

January 5th
Today we went to the movies and visited great Grandma G (you would think these would have been a photo a day image- but I forgot my camera!)
Dinner was hot chips at Ada Ryan Gardens 🙂

January 6th
Time for the holiday to end, thank goodness for IPad’s while we travel!

January 7th
Payton- your imagination is amazing- listening to you play barbies (which you do every day for hours!) is so funny.

January 8th
Sleep overs are the best- especially when its pancakes for breakfast

January 9th
Kids went for a sleepover so we could go out for dinner with friends (some missing- I tell you trying to organise a night where husbands are all home together AND baby sitters are available is harder than you think!). I think the last time we were all out together kid free was at one of our weddings.. and even then there were newborns there! Best mothers group ever! (IPhone pic!)

January 10th
He loves the chickens and the chickens love him

January 11th
This afternoon was spent in the pool, we even had the ponies and the play food in with us.