Oh Millie Rose, you are just so perfect.
I feel very grateful I got to photograph both you and your older sister Charlie as newborns! Even if you wanted to stay awake and not miss a thing 😉
And Ebony- you are just glowing~! Two babies suits you.
Maternity ~ Birth ~ Newborn Photography
Oh Millie Rose, you are just so perfect.
I feel very grateful I got to photograph both you and your older sister Charlie as newborns! Even if you wanted to stay awake and not miss a thing 😉
And Ebony- you are just glowing~! Two babies suits you.
You’re as cute as a bug
So precious to hug
A darling child
Who’s nice to be near.
So.. we hope turning one
Is happy and fun
And takes you along
To a second great year
Little Olivia
– seriously such a happy little soul, and just the cutest little human!
Thanks so much for bringing her to the studio guys x
So your baby is here!
What joy and what pleasure!
Now your life is expanding,
To make room for this treasure.
A darling newcomer
To have and to hold–
His smiles are more precious
Than silver or gold.
He’ll demolish your schedule
Though he’s helpless and small;
he’ll make her needs known,
And he’ll rule over all.
See, a new parent’s work
Is just never quite done,
But you’ll never mind,
‘Cause it’s all so much fun.
When you hear his cute giggle
You’ll start “aahing” and “oohing,”
And he’ll soon reply back
By “ga ga” and “goo gooing.”
Those big innocent eyes
See a world strange and new;
To make sense of it all
he’ll look only to you.
So cherish this time
Of miraculous things–
The excitement and wonder
That a new baby brings.
By Joanna Fuchs
A family is made of love and tears,
laughter and years.
It grows stronger with the passing of time.
More precious with the making of memories.
Family is made of people you will love for a lifetime.
It’s a gift whose value is found not in numbers buy in its capacity to love
It’s the place you find someone to encourage you,
believe in you,
celebrate with you and comfort you.
A family is where your heart feels most at home because you’re always wanted,
always welcomed,
always needed,
always loved.
I love planning parties, so its no surprise when I book a cake smash I get a little excited. I always talk with mum (and dad) about what their little one likes or what sort of theme they are having for the first birthday party.
For Henry’s session we incorporated his love of giggle and hoot!
I am lucky to be able to tell Samone from The best things in life are sweet the theme, then I trust her to make a cake that will suit!! I LOVE how this one turned out!
Another fun thing about cake smashes is you never know how they will go! Some kids just want to eat and wont look up, some love it and then get over it very quickly and some just don’t want a bar of it! But no matter how much they do or don’t love the cake, its still always so fun watching them !
It was so funny, Henry wasn’t interested in the cake- he just wanted to play with the basket of shoes by the front door!
After the cake smash- we headed outside to get a few extra images !
Thanks for letting me capture his first birthday guys!
Renee x