Protected: 2022 Pricing guide
One, Two and Three.
One of the best things about this job is having clients return over and over trusting me each time to capture their life.
Michelle, Darren, Tobias, Lucas and now Alexis have been in front of my camera a lots over the years and its always great ! I love watching families grow and expand.
I have posted a few recent session images below – look how much changes in only months!

New addition
Last year you might remember Toyworld Mount Barker had a baby expo.
I was lucky enough to attend and it was a great. I was shooting mini sessions all day and had the best time 🙂
I also gave away TWO sessions, and these guys were the winner of one of them.
As usual I’m way behind on blogging so little Charlotte is already seven months old! Just another reason why newborn photos are so important, life just passes by so quick, babies don’t stay little for long x
Here are just a handful of images from Elly and Kyle’s session 🙂

A little girl
I love photographing families of my amazing friends. I feel as if I already know them! And with these guys I did, as I had already photographed Malcolm when he was a newborn.
I was so happy to hear these guys were expecting again, and a little bit excited that they would have a little girl running around at their family catch ups as she is defiantly out numbered by all the boys! I’m sure Ivy will grow up to boss them all around haha
Here are a few images from their session.
Thanks for choosing me again to take your family photos Vanessa and Barney!